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Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Cartoon Leafwing by Sunpaw
Drawing Contest,
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
New Contest
Your cat name:
Which clan are you from:
The name of the cat you are drawing:
Which clan is the drawn cat from:
- Draw any cat from one of the clans how you think they would look like
- If you can copy this onto the computer and email it to one of us
- Fill out the form below
Your cat name:
Which clan are you from:
The name of the cat you are drawing:
Which clan is the drawn cat from:
- Nothing inappropriate
- It has to be a cat from one of the three clans in our forest
New Contest,
Monday, January 17, 2011
Greencough in Sunclan
There's Greencough in Sunclan, read the following post from our blog to find out more info.
Dawnstripe has Greencough
Amberpaw! Dawnstripe has Greencough, ACT QUICKLY, FIND CATMINT!!! Keep Dawnstripe in the medicine cat den so it doesn't spread! Moonwing, we know Amberpaw has began to work alone, but please make sure she knows what to do in this situation, THANKS!!!!
Posted by Claire at 8:16 AM
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Silver Clan Update
Hello Cats of the Clans! I am here with some updates from Silver Clan. So:
We had a badger attack and lost Darlingkit, Sulfurkit, Creamkit, Dewfur, and Goldentail
We had a battle with Swift Clan and Moontail and Lillypaw were injured
We have one new warrior named Blacktail
We had a badger attack and lost Darlingkit, Sulfurkit, Creamkit, Dewfur, and Goldentail
We had a battle with Swift Clan and Moontail and Lillypaw were injured
We have one new warrior named Blacktail
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Cats Needed!
Hello cats of all clans! Oceanclan has gained two more warriors and we have one warrior deciding weather to join or not. Our two new warriors are Cloudwing and Smoketail. We are very grateful how many warriors and apprentices we have gained over the last week. But are Clan still remains weak. Please, if you dont have a Clan to join try to join Oceanclan. We would be very grateful! We have inproved but we still need more warriors and we need more apprentices. Kits are also useful.
Join Please,
New Warriors,
Friday, January 7, 2011
Swift Clan Contest
For the Swift Clan Contest, You need at least 8 Followers and 100% on this QUIZ. If You can do this The leaders and I will evaluate your blog and see if it has what it takes to be the new SWIFT CLAN. For more information, CLICK HERE!
Monday, January 3, 2011
All of the clans waited impatiently for the last one. Finally Silver Clan bounded into the clearing. "Well, now that everyone is here," Hazelstar says, "Let the gathering Begin!!!!!!!!"
We have a contest this month of Janurary. More contests will come up, so keep a lookout!
SilverClan is striving to drive out Swiftclan because they drove out our friends in MapleClan.
If you have a clan blog about warriors you would like to use to take its place, e-mail the link to me at
amberstar786@gmail.com and I will take you into consideration.
Note: A clan blog with many followers is very hard to maintain. You must have the responsibility to check your e-mail at least once every day or when ever possible, never less every other day. (I personally check it at least three times a day.) Also, you must have an e-mail that you dont mind spammers e-mailing you. (amberstar786@gmail.com is my website e-mail, not my main e-mail.) you must also find a way to let lots of people follow your blog. I will understand if your site doesn't have many followers at first, but must have more in the future. If I don't approve of your blog, or you don't have very many followers after a few months, we will drive you out again. If you can make your blog so I approve, I might let you back in.
The clans OceanClan and SunClan are not very big yet, so any cat can join more than one blog as different cats. If you are in SilverClan, you might know that Jade pelt lets us know it's her by putting her name at the bottom of each comment. You can do that too! That way, we can know which ct you are playing in that comment. You should also put your clan name at the bottom of the comment, too.
Written by; AMBERSTAR Leader of SilverClan
SilverClan is striving to drive out Swiftclan because they drove out our friends in MapleClan.
If you have a clan blog about warriors you would like to use to take its place, e-mail the link to me at
amberstar786@gmail.com and I will take you into consideration.
Note: A clan blog with many followers is very hard to maintain. You must have the responsibility to check your e-mail at least once every day or when ever possible, never less every other day. (I personally check it at least three times a day.) Also, you must have an e-mail that you dont mind spammers e-mailing you. (amberstar786@gmail.com is my website e-mail, not my main e-mail.) you must also find a way to let lots of people follow your blog. I will understand if your site doesn't have many followers at first, but must have more in the future. If I don't approve of your blog, or you don't have very many followers after a few months, we will drive you out again. If you can make your blog so I approve, I might let you back in.
- No inapropriate subjects, such as swearing and racisim.
- Blog owner must have a pretty good knowledge of Warriors (we will give you a quiz to help)
- Blog owner must be responsible enough to manage their blog and e-mail well enough
- No mean comparison between blogs. We all are in the same forest!
- Blog must be approved by me and the owners of the other blog
- Owner must understand if they are not chosen or are driven out.
- Blog must be by Blogger (blogger.com) And you must have a profile. (you have to have either an e-mail adress from Google or Twitter)
The clans OceanClan and SunClan are not very big yet, so any cat can join more than one blog as different cats. If you are in SilverClan, you might know that Jade pelt lets us know it's her by putting her name at the bottom of each comment. You can do that too! That way, we can know which ct you are playing in that comment. You should also put your clan name at the bottom of the comment, too.
Written by; AMBERSTAR Leader of SilverClan
What we have to say! (it's not bad!)
The intro to our blog:
What We have to say:
Part of our prophecy has been for filed and we now live with the clans of the forest. All though our camp remains almost the same we have changed our territory to have a border with forest cats, WITHOUT exceeding a normal amount of territory. We thank the clans for letting us join them in the forest! It had been many moons from when the time we were driven out and now the clans have changed and accepted us. We thank you all for that!!!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Hello cats of the clans!
Starclan has called me and my Deputy! My new name is Hazelstar! My Deputy's is Fogtail! Thank you for the notice!
YAY!! News, Contest, and Info!
Clan Leaders have heard horrifying news!! SWIFTCLAN HAS DRIVEN OUT MAPLECLAN!!!!! A new clan has wanted to take it's place. LETS WELCOME SUNCLAN!!! SwiftClan's, OceanClan's, and Sunclan's leaders plus I, Amberstar, agree. Now that we have three active clans, you may join as many as you want. But you must stay loyal to this clan (unless you absolutely hate it). These are all the links.
SilverClan: warriorssilverclan.blogspot.com
OceanClan: warriorsoceanclan.blogspot.com
SunClan: sunclan-warriors.blogspot.com
SwiftClan: none (see contest below!)
We have a contest this month of Janurary. More contests will come up, so keep a lookout!
SilverClan is striving to drive out Swiftclan because they drove out our friends in MapleClan.
If you have a clan blog about warriors you would like to use to take its place, e-mail the link to me at
amberstar786@gmail.com and I will take you into consideration.
Note: A clan blog with many followers is very hard to maintain. You must have the responsibility to check your e-mail at least once every day or when ever possible, never less every other day. (I personally check it at least three times a day.) Also, you must have an e-mail that you dont mind spammers e-mailing you. (amberstar786@gmail.com is my website e-mail, not my main e-mail.) you must also find a way to let lots of people follow your blog. I will understand if your site doesn't have many followers at first, but must have more in the future. If I don't approve of your blog, or you don't have very many followers after a few months, we will drive you out again. If you can make your blog so I approve, I might let you back in.
The clans OceanClan and SunClan are not very big yet, so any cat can join more than one blog as different cats. If you are in SilverClan, you might know that Jade pelt lets us know it's her by putting her name at the bottom of each comment. You can do that too! That way, we can know which ct you are playing in that comment. You should also put your clan name at the bottom of the comment, too.
Written by; AMBERSTAR Leader of SilverClan
SilverClan: warriorssilverclan.blogspot.com
OceanClan: warriorsoceanclan.blogspot.com
SunClan: sunclan-warriors.blogspot.com
SwiftClan: none (see contest below!)
We have a contest this month of Janurary. More contests will come up, so keep a lookout!
SilverClan is striving to drive out Swiftclan because they drove out our friends in MapleClan.
If you have a clan blog about warriors you would like to use to take its place, e-mail the link to me at
amberstar786@gmail.com and I will take you into consideration.
Note: A clan blog with many followers is very hard to maintain. You must have the responsibility to check your e-mail at least once every day or when ever possible, never less every other day. (I personally check it at least three times a day.) Also, you must have an e-mail that you dont mind spammers e-mailing you. (amberstar786@gmail.com is my website e-mail, not my main e-mail.) you must also find a way to let lots of people follow your blog. I will understand if your site doesn't have many followers at first, but must have more in the future. If I don't approve of your blog, or you don't have very many followers after a few months, we will drive you out again. If you can make your blog so I approve, I might let you back in.
- No inapropriate subjects, such as swearing and racisim.
- Blog owner must have a pretty good knowledge of Warriors (we will give you a quiz to help)
- Blog owner must be responsible enough to manage their blog and e-mail well enough
- No mean comparison between blogs. We all are in the same forest!
- Blog must be approved by me and the owners of the other blog
- Owner must understand if they are not chosen or are driven out.
- Blog must be by Blogger (blogger.com) And you must have a profile. (you have to have either an e-mail adress from Google or Twitter)
The clans OceanClan and SunClan are not very big yet, so any cat can join more than one blog as different cats. If you are in SilverClan, you might know that Jade pelt lets us know it's her by putting her name at the bottom of each comment. You can do that too! That way, we can know which ct you are playing in that comment. You should also put your clan name at the bottom of the comment, too.
Written by; AMBERSTAR Leader of SilverClan
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Hello its Ripplestar leader of OceanClan. We have not had or plan any battles soon but keep your ears open because you never know when a battle is going to happen. So please do not be alarmed if two Clans do get into battle. Just remember to check the Battle of the Clans every day to be sure. Anyway, today we had a great Gathering so thank you all for coming. OceanClan has had its first Apprentice, SUNPAW! If anyone would like to join OceanClan we welcome everyone. If not we respect your opinions. Also OceanClan congrats on all your new wonderful Apprentices and your new Deputy! We congratulate you Jadepelt, for doing so well. So now Amberstar, I congratulate you and your entire clan for Jadepelts arrival as Deputy. Anyway please visit Battles of the Clans as much as you can, and keep your ears and eyes open. DISMISSED.
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